DOCTalks Connects Across Canada
Stay tuned! DOCTalks plans to feature more organizations and groups that we have met along our journey to create, fund and mobilize knowledge-based documentary media using cross-sector collaborations.

Since 2013, DOCTalks has connected with many people and organizations across Canada that produce and mobilize knowledge-based documentary media for community impact purposes. In the Fall of 2022, we’ve invited the following knowledge-based documentary media organizations to tell their story in our new series called – DOCTalks Connects Across Canada.
Rural Action & Voices for the Environment (Fredericton)
Research Impact Canada (Toronto)
Jurivision (Ottawa)
Community Conservation Research Network (Halifax)
Happening Wednesday, October 26th 2022, 1pm ADT/12pm EST

Happening Wednesday, November 9th 2022, 1pm AST/12pm EST

Happening Tuesday, November 15th 2022, 2:30pm AST / 3:30pm EST


Happening Wednesday, November 23rd 2022, 1pm AST / 2pm EST